
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Master Bedroom: Headboard Makeover

Hey, remember that headboard project I've mentioned over the past uncountable months? Ya, the one that has taken me 100 years to finish. Procrastination, that's my success! Well, we've actually been kind of mostly finished with it for a while, so I thought I would finally share! 

THIS is the ever spoken of headboard that I picked up for TWO BUCKS last winter at a restore store.

Gorgeous, right? haha... Not yet of course. But for $2 bucks I thought it was worth it. And I also purchased two wooden bed knobs at the same store for $2 as well. 

This headboard was a killer mess to paint! This was my first big painting project and I messed up a little. I spray painted it black, then I think I scraped the side while vacuuming one day so I sanded the spot and fixed it. Then I thought I needed to do a clear protective spray over the whole thing, so I sprayed it with Krylon's clear spray... BAD DECISION! .... It was like spraying dust. Ya it wasn't good. So I light sanded the whole thing and sprayed a little again. ... good grief. What a pain. 

Then I painted the little accent line gray. Isn't it sweet? 

The headboard needed legs, so Hubby and I came up with a plan and headed to the hardware store for some wood. 

After much measuring...

Sawing ... 

 and screwing into place...

the headboard now stands! ... 
{but is actually leaning against the wall until we feel like attaching it to the bed frame!)

And I finally JUST painted the bed knobs, so now I feel like it's done.. appearance-wise anway! 

SO... here's a look at our room before our headboard and other prettiness

 {okay, this is an old photo from last year. Our bed is on another side of the room now and we've had curtains for quite some time now and our night stands have had a makeover since then too !! I just didn't take any other photos I guess until I got the headboard standing} 

And here is the NOW..... 

I love it!! 
Yes, new duvet cover too! I had been wanting something WHITE for awhile, and last year I found this on sale for like $30 so I snagged it up and didn't put it on until I got new sheets for our bed- gray sheets!

I got my chevron pillow covers from etsy and would still like to find a few more pillows to dress it up. I also got a gray pillow case for our body pillow so everything would match :) I'd really love a cute mustard yellow throw to drape somewhere at the foot of the bed.

I love having our Christmas lights draped around the headboard! It's so cozy and romantic and makes pictures look so sweet. I made the little felt heart garland for last Valentine's Day. It's so cute I just can't make myself take it down. It stays. 

I've been debating whether or not to change the nightstands to white because I'm not really sure I like the bold yellow.. but then, the more I see it all together in these photos I like the yellow more.

Our bedroom is coming along!
... I still don't have anything on the walls! 

You can see my master bedroom inspirations on my Pinterest board here 


  1. You did a graat job! Now I need you to come down and redo mine...=D I was actually wanting to redo my room too. You are such an inspiration!

  2. Oh, I just love the lights and hearts ... sweet and romantic :) thanks so much for sharing this at the {what's shakin' link party}!!


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